A new venture

While I still have hopes of eventually getting back to sharing craft projects here, raising kids and business ventures have been keeping me plenty busy.

I’m excited to share my newest project - I’ve created a practical guide about AI to help lawyers navigate their changing reality and stay competent in the practice of law.

As generative AI news headlines became impossible to ignore, I realized that if I were still practicing law I would be aware that a massive technological shift was underway and overwhelmed about how to get AI figured out on top of all of my other day-to-day professional and personal responsibilities. I would have been worried about the risk of taking a misstep with AI and having my name in the news for one of the worst possible reasons. And at the same time, I would have recognized that some lawyers were figuring out how to use AI to create a competitive advantage, and I would have wondered if I could do that in my practice too.

AI is not going away, and lawyers are going to need to develop AI competency in order to comply with their professional responsibilities and remain competitive. I decided to create the AI guide that I would have needed as a lawyer who did not have the extra time to research AI from top to bottom in addition to all of my other responsibilities.

A Lawyer’s Practical Guide to AI is now available to help you get up to speed faster on AI and it can also help you explore whether there is an AI tool that is right for your practice.  With the information you learn from A Lawyer’s Practical Guide to AI you will be better positioned to recognize and confidently navigate AI’s pitfalls and seize any worthwhile opportunities that align with your practice.

A Lawyer’s Practical Guide to AI includes:

  • An introduction to generative AI

  • The AI issues and pitfalls most likely to impact lawyers (there’s more than just hallucinations)

  • AI-related professional responsibility considerations for lawyers

  • Summaries of AI-related alleged lawyer misconduct cases

  • Resources for identifying and tracking government actions on AI

  • Summaries of over 50 AI court cases in the news

  • An actionable step-by-step process to evaluate whether there are any AI tools that meet your needs, and if so, how to implement them, and

  • A directory of over 150 AI tools developed specifically for lawyers, organized by capability, practice type, and integrations with other tools, so that you can quickly focus on the tools most likely to be useful in your practice.

You can find the guide here. I would be so appreciative if you shared this link with the lawyers in your life. Thank you!